Compare And Contrast Henry Clay's Proposition Of The American System

Words: 399
Pages: 2

When we speak of the “American System”, we have to remember where the idea came from, The first person to suggest a system to better the United Stated was Alexander Hamilton under the name of “American School” or “American School of Economics” which was comprised of five core policies.
The first is the protection of the American trade.
This is the placement of a tariff on all imported goods coming to America.
Second was the improvement of the infrastructure by investing in new roads and canals for transport of goods.
Third was the financial infrastructure. This would be the creation of the national bank.
Forth support for science and education from the government.
Fifth was the “Harmony of interest”. This was to ensure the correct wages for the owners and workers. (, 2016)
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The “American System” did differ in some ways, but the idea was the same, however, there were only three parts to the “American System”. The first that came from Hamilton's school of economics was the creation of roads and canals to make trade to be easier for the people of the united states, by adding roads this would give one route for the people to travel that was safer and built for easy transport. This would also cover the creation of canals for the use of boats to transport large amounts of goods. The way to pay for this new improvement was the second part of the