Compare And Contrast Lewis And Clark Expedition

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Pages: 6

Many presidents throughout U.S. history have had memorable moments in their lives and ideas or events that have lived on through generations that were either praised or have lived in infamy. One president in particular is Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was elected to be president in 1801 and would start what would become one of the more memorable presidential terms. He had many moments but, one that stands out among others is the Lewis and Clark expedition of (at the time) the recently acquired Louisiana Territory. The Lewis and Clark expedition was filled with discovery, ambition, socialization, and scientific exploration among all else and will go down as one of the greatest adventures and pioneering exercises in american history. Jefferson wanted to explore the territory that was recently purchased from France at the time and appointed his private secretary Meriwether Lewis to be the head of the exploration. Lewis wanted one of his war hero friends George Rogers Clark to be co-leader if the exploration but, the army refused to increase Clark’s rank; but Lewis always treated his friend as though he had been given such an increase in his rank. “ Both …show more content…
“The Lewis and Clark expedition-it combined Indian diplomacy, commercial prospecting, scientific investigation, and military reconnaissance-captured the imagination of the whole country, promising to provide fascinating detail about the terrain that Jefferson had called “an empire for liberty.”’(Appleby 106) Jefferson explains how the exploration of the land would open opportunities to expand the nation and make the United States more powerful than they had ever been. This exploration would help boost people’s view of Jefferson if he were to succeed in the complete exploration of the newly acquired western territory from France and come back