Compare The Components Of The Nucleus (Protons And Neutrons) As Nucleons

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Pages: 5

Define the components of the nucleus (protons and neutrons) as nucleons and contrast their properties
Nucleon: particle in the nucleus
Properties Protons Neutrons
Mass (kg) 1.673 × 10-27 1.675 × 10-27
Charge (Coulombs) 1.602 × 10-19 Zero
Discuss the importance of conservation laws to Chadwick’s discovery of the neutron
1920: Discovery of the neutron was brought about by Rutherford’s bombardment of nitrogen gas with high energy alpha particles (from bismuth-214) – first artificial nuclear reaction. A +ve particle was produced (more penetrative than an alpha particle – proton). Alpha particle had combined with nitrogen nucleus, emitting a proton. Due to high energy emission, the alpha particles from the source were able to make contact with the nucleus. He then predicted that a neutral particle (mass almost equivalent to proton) must be a constituent of the nucleus, namely, the neutron.
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They put a block of paraffin behind the beryllium and observed that many more protons (hydrogen nuclei – 5MeV) than expected were emitted from paraffin. Gamma would have penetrated more, causing less interactions and emissions. Energy calculated for this was 50MeV – very unreasonable.
1932: Chadwick suggested that high penetrating radiation was the neutron from the nucleus. Thought that a neutral particle could expel protons more efficiently from hydrogen compounds. Applied LoCM and LoCE and by measuring the recoil of the nuclei of H and N, calculated the mass of the neutron to be 1.15 that of a