Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room

Words: 283
Pages: 2

I watched both videos, but just a note: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is on Netflix if you would like to watch a better quality video.

There are a lot of "interesting" things about the Enron story, and I probably wouldn't use the word "interesting," "horrifying" seems like a better word. First, I cannot wrap my mind around the "mark to marketing" accounting concept. I am horrified that they were able to bank profits for an idea before they actually made any profits. Jeff Skilling did not want other people to profit from his ideas, so he got Arthur Anderson to buy into the idea of mark to marketing accounting. I just don't know how he was able to do this. How can you bank profits that do not exist? How do you know if an idea is a good