Essay Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Plymouth

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Pages: 3

Jamestown and Plymouth Jamestown and Plymouth were two separate voyages set for America with different ideas and goals thought out for each. Some came for riches and power while others came to reinvent a religious promise that was lacking in their homeland, but all came for opportunity. Jamestown and Plymouth were two settlements that offered hope and a promise for a better future. Both colonies differed a lot from each other, yet met some of the same obstacles and likenesses. Jamestown and Plymouth were the first two successful colonies in North America. The Jamestown colony was established in 1607 and the Plymouth colony was established in 1620. The discovery of both were very similar because they both had to heavily rely on the Native Americans. They also had peace with the Native Americans later to help, for a limited time, with the marriage of John and Pocahontas. For Jamestown and in …show more content…
It was established in 1620 and founded by William Bradford. It was settled by families and colonized for religious freedom. They grew food, fish, and sold timber. The climate wasn’t as good for really growing things. The work was done by family members. They also had farms but were smaller due to the Head Right System because it encouraged people to bring lots of people over to get big plantations. They had a self-government with the Mayflower Compact, which they agreed to obey all laws. Also, they had self- governing towns ran by white male church members. In their community, people lived in towns. Their towns had to have a church and often a school. In their town, everyone had to help in some way and by the mid-1600s, the average life expectancy was 60.
Overall, starting a colony was very difficult for many reasons such as, dealing with the environment, facing attacks from the Natives, diseases, and starvation. There were lots of obstacles both colonies had to overcome; once over that hump, both colonies started to