Essay On Gun Violence In Schools

Words: 531
Pages: 3

According to the Detroit report, the average response time for an emergency call is eleven minutes, proving that the police cannot be everywhere to protect people, even though people have that expectation. While gun violence in schools has been an issue the past decade, it is a complex problem that cannot be solved through a single solution. One theory in preventing this violence it to ban all guns. Unfortunately, banning anything does not have a history of solving problems, only creating worse problems, while violating the rights of innocent people. For instance, prohibition and the war on drugs are both failed attempts at trying to protect people. Arming teachers was another solution suggested for stopping school violence. Arming teachers …show more content…
Currently, schools are restricted as gun free zones, even posting signs indicating there are no armed people on campus. This leaves school vulnerable as open targets for anyone who would want to attack. Criminals know if guns are not allowed inside schools, there is no one on campus to defend themselves. Criminals are not going to follow the law, by restricting guns, the rights and protection of law abiding citizens is compromised. “The dishonest Gun-Control Debate” article, “Cuba. being a police state, has very strict gun laws, but it has a higher homicide rate than the United States”. (Williamson) Cuba has some of the strictest gun restrictions in the world and yet they have a higher gun death rate than our country. However, others may disagree, citing that restricting guns from school campuses will save lives and make schools safer. While this thinking is understandable, one must consider that criminals do not follow laws or little signs posted on doors. Criminals can storm into schools wreaking havoc on the unprotected students and