Examples Of Pride In The Scarlet Ibis

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Pages: 3

Pride. Such a strange emotion, but is it positive or negative? Pride can build you up or break you down. It makes you feel good about yourself, but if you feel too good then it could start to cause problems. The brother in The Scarlet Ibis had lots of pride in himself and thought little about his little brother, Doodle, only because Doodle was just “Not all there.” I believe that Brother is at fault for the death of Doodle because he left him behind, ignored his calls for help, and brought Doodle outside during a bad storm.
“Soon I could hear his voice no more.” (Page 353) Brother had run away from Doodle and continued running from him until he could not hear from him any longer. Brother was trying to get Doodle to run faster, but Doodle couldn’t keep up and Brother knew that he was leaving him far behind. Pride in yourself will give you good self esteem, but having too much and you will think too highly of yourself and
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Don’t leave me!” (353) Doodle needed help from Brother, but all he did was run away from poor Doodle while he screamed for help. In the article about how if juveniles should be charged as adults or not, it said that children are not good at decision making. When Doodle was left alone he didn’t know what to do and instead of finding safety, he got hurt during the storm and was injured enough to kill him.
Lastly Brother had taken Doodle outside when they were talking about how it was about to raining as Doodle said that he heard a rain frog down by the swamp. “... lightning was playing across half the sky and thunder roared” (353) The storm was slowly getting worse and Brother only started bringing Doodle home until it was getting bad. Using the same reason from the pride article about how children are bad decision making, Doodle didn’t know that it’s bad to go outside when it’s raining or storming. He came outside with Brother because Doodle trusts