In some situations people were separated from their families, one person going to one camp and one to the other. There were about 10 internment camps across the country, some of these internment camps were actually where they had recently kept livestock. So, when the Japanese arrived they could smell the stench from the animals. There was also, no privacy in these camps; for example, when you had to use the bathroom there was no partitions and showers were done in public areas, which were for many people to take at once. With a lot of sharing happening in these camps many people got sick. Medicine was very rare in camps which caused many people die. The government wanted these camps to support themselves but it was hard to farm because the camps were on barren lands. If anyone had tried to escape, not following orders or treason they would be punished by them getting killed. The first camp was opened in 1942 and the last Japanese camp was closed in October 15 1946 which made it at least 4 years in the Internment