Submitted By fewfeF3R
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COMS 103/Brimo EXTRA CREDIT REPORTS Each student may do any ONE report from the following list for Extra Credit! Reports must be typewritten. Reports may be handed in any time during the term but no later than date posted on your syllabus schedule of assignments. No extra credit papers will be accepted past the deadline. Worth 50 points equal to extra 5% of total course points. 1. Attend a live speech on campus or in the community. As you listen to the speech, assess the following for your report: a) the speaker’s general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea; b) the major ideas of the speech; c) the speaker’s attempts to use factual and authoritative materials gathered with this particular audience in mind; d) the audience’s response to the speaker; and e) your overall reactions to the speech and the speaker. Include the flyer or event handout you received at the presentation showing date and place of event. 2. Using web sources or the library, look up “famous speeches”. Select one of the speeches to read and thoroughly analyze his/her style in a report: Pay careful attention to word choice (including accuracy, simplicity, appropriateness), to use of figurative language, and to the use of connective words and phrases. How does the speaker’s use of language reflect his/her personality, education, and social background? How was his/her credibility expressed? What indications are there of audience adaptation? Include a hard copy of the speech. 3. After listening to one or more of the following types of speeches, evaluate the introduction and conclusion which the speaker used in a) a sermon; b) an open hearing at a meeting of the city council; c) an open meeting of a campus or community organization; d) a formal address, “live” made by a political candidate or congressional representative; or e) a speaker at rotary club, toastmasters, business seminar or an after-dinner speaker. Include the flyer or event handout you received at the presentation showing date and place of event. 4. Wayne Minnick, The Art of Persuasion, writes: “Emotion is an aroused ‘feeling state’ that accompanies an unusual degree of motivation. Persuasive communications that evoke emotional reactions are successful in some cases and ineffectual in others. The degree of emotional response evoked seems to interact with such factors as credibility to determine persuasiveness.” Read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech, “I Have a Dream.” Find it in the Library or on You-tube. Appraise its effectiveness in securing an emotional response from the audience. Identify the methods King used to make his language clear, vivid, and appropriate. Look particularly at his use of familiar words, concrete words, imagery, and rhythm. Use specific examples in your discussion. 5. Advertisers are extremely conscious of their audience. Choose an issue of a popular magazine. From that issue, select four advertisements (include copies of the ads with report) to analyze in a report. Identify who you think is the audience being appealed to in each advertisement and analyze the appeals (graphics and text) used to persuade those buyers. Finally, identify an alternate target audience for each ad and discuss in your report how the appeals might differ for each ad if it were designed to persuade a different audience. 6. Attend or watch (TV, Internet, etc.) a speech presentation or theatre production/play. Prepare a brief report on the speaker’s/actor’s vocal and nonverbal communication. In your report, first analyze the speaker’s/actor’s volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation, and articulation. Then evaluate the speaker’s/actor’s personal appearance, bodily action, gestures, and eye contact. Explain how the speaker’s/actor’s delivery added to or detracted from what the speaker/actor said. Finally, note at least two favorable techniques of delivery used by the speaker/actor that you might want to try in your next speech. Include