Facial Expression and Paragraph Author Try Essay

Words: 1113
Pages: 5

Progress Check #3

In your own words, describe the Three-Step Method for identifying the Main Idea.
(15 pts.)

1. Understand the topic: Ask question to yourself Who or What is this about?

2. Recognize the key supporting terms: Question to yourself What are the major details or key supporting words?

3. Focus on the main idea: Question to yourself What is the author trying to explain in this paragraph?

PART B: As you read the following paragraph, use the Three-Step Method to help you identify the stated main idea. (10 pts.)

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Before reading the passage, read the title and first sentence and predict what the passage is about.Prediction: I think this passage is about how can you catch your friend if they lie to you. 2. Read the second paragraph. * Who or what is this paragraph about?Ans: This paragraph is about if someone who is lying. * What are the key terms and details?Ans: When a person lies, the voice tends to be higher pitched and the rate of speech tends to slow down. * What is the author’s point in paragraph 2?Ans: The author’s point to this paragraph is how you can catch when someone is lying to you, for example when someone is lying they try to raise their voice to cover their self but when they talk it starts slowing down. 3. Read the third paragraph. * Who or what is this paragraph about?Ans: In this paragraph author try to explain how there is many ways to find out if someone is lying to you. * What are the key terms and details?Ans: The key terms and details in this paragraph is liars face expressions, smile and eye contact. * What is the author’s point in paragraph 3?Ans: In this paragraph authors point is how there is many ways to tell if someone is lying to you. For example when someone is lying their face expression is different than normal person, they always have fake smile on there face and when a liar is talking to you they won’t make eye contact. 4. Read the fourth