Family In William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

Words: 283
Pages: 2

In As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner, the theme of family is not presented in a positive way. Addie, who is married to Anse and is the mother of Darl, Jewel, Cash, Dewey Dell and Vardaman, dies in the beginning of the novel, immediately igniting tensions and lack of communication within the family, particularly through the siblings as Addie’s favorite child was Jewel as she lacked love for her husband. Anse too reveals a similar feeling toward his wife. "Hit ain’t begrudgin’ the money," he says. "I jest kept a-thinkin’…She’s goin’, is she?" His bluntness in talking about his wife’s death helps to show how little he cares about the death. Not only does this characterize Anse and his selfishness, but his children’s hate for him show his poor