Family Therapy Technique 7

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Technique 7- Restructuring Restructuring is any therapeutic intervention that confronts and challenges a family and facilitates structural changes. The therapist may restructure by assigning tasks, shifting power systems, escalating stress in the system, or marking boundaries. Therapists who see harmonious families may need to work on preparing the family for eventual systematic changes. Restructuring their worldview may be beneficial for the family to prepare for such a change. Families become habitual and begin to formulate unspoken rules about how the family is run. Roles are established and life carry’s on. When the system is shaken outside of a therapeutic setting, the family may be left in ruin, not knowing how to respond or react. Therapy …show more content…
Any change in the family structure will change the family’s worldview, and any change in the worldview will be followed by change in the family structure, including changes to the symptom to maintain organization. For a family to enter services, they want the therapist to fix their problems and typically leave their worldview intact. Oftentimes the family’s worldview may just be the problem they need fixed. A persons worldview can be affected by society and their family. The worldview is the sum total of our beliefs about the world, words have meaning, tools are used through experiencing others use them the same way, etc. To explore ones worldview a therapist must have an open mind and begin to understand where the family is at in their lives. If members of the family appear to disagree with others about a worldview, the therapist can challenge beliefs and encourage dialogue about the views. This is done to challenge the way a family legitimizes its structure.
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