Gothic Art Analysis

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Pages: 3

Gothic Art for The Beginner
I realize that Gothic art is not for everyone. It is perhaps the most misunderstood form of artistic expression ever produced in the art world. I have also come across comments by some of my readers that have the impression that Goth arrived on the scene with the advent of black nail polish.
While I appreciate the recent resurgence of interest, and adore many of the more contemporary artists, the works of great artists like Giotto di Bondone who dates back to the 13th and 14th century for example, still set my artistic nature ablaze. Nonetheless, the new kids on the block showing up in their long, black, stretch limousines for showings are the ones selling from our gallery walls.
While a little history is important,
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Some of what is delivered by the modern Gothic expressionist is hard to pull away from. Standing in front of a painting by Hong Kuang for example, fills the observer with emotions akin to dread and darkness – hope, courage. At the same time, it’s hard to leave without succumbing to the all-consuming awesome details.
Goth speaks to our shadow selves. The anti-Christ of the mundane, Goth is not an ounce of sunshine and lemonade. To make their points even more explicit, modern Gothic artists take their work to Mount Calvary for a proper crucifixion. Death, gory, darkness and attempted destruction of the soul, are all parts of what an artist from the 21st century is often attempting to portray. There is no denying that it’s a competition of shock, disgust and horror rightfully considered as a truthful aspect of humanity. It’s all in play on some level in today’s world.
The beauty of Gothic Art stems from its early roots in the Renaissance era. From paintings to frescos mostly influenced by religious suppression, the artist had a chance to tell his – only men at that time – story without fear of being persecuted. The art cloaked in the reverence of the time towards saints and social superiors was a way to release a pent up anger that was sculpted or painted out as a work of beauty. The real beauty, of course is the personal message that only the individual artist is able to know