1. Civics: is the study of the rights and duties of citizens.
2. Citizen: have certain rights and duties
3. Government: is the ruling authority for a community
4. Public Policy: another function of government is to formulate
5. Budget: a plan for collecting and spending money, is key to success of the community
6. Dictatorship: is a government controlled by one person or a small group of people
7. Democracy: this kind of government, in which the people rule
8. Direct democracy: all the citizens met to debate government matters and vote first-hand
a. (We use direct democracy on a state level)
9. Reprehensive democracy: the citizens choose a smaller group to represent them, make laws and govern on their behalf, but the people remain the source of the government’s authority.
10. Majority Rule: political principle providing that a majority of the members of a community has the power to make laws binding upon all the people.
11. Authoritarian: a government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power.
12. Absolute Monarch: a monarch that has complete and unlimited power to rule his or her people.
13. Dictator: a ruler who exercises complete control over a state.
14. Totalitarian: a system in which government control extends to almost all aspects of peoples lives.
15. Constitutional monarchy: the power of the hereditary ruler is limited by the countries constitution.
16. Parliamentary system: a system of government in which both executive and legislative functions reside in an elected assembly.
17. Prime minister: the leader of the executive branch of a parliamentary government.
Chapter 2-1
18. Monarch: king or queen
19. Legislature: a group of people that makes laws
20. Parliament: the British legislature
21. Precedent: a ruling that is used as the