The story begins with the creation of the planet, Earth. In some variations of the myth, Nyx gave birth to Eros out of an egg (Greek Creation Myth). The egg shell then made the sky and the earth. In some variations of the myth, Nyx gave birth to Eros out of an egg. The egg shell then made the sky and the earth. (Elliott) Although they seem completely different, they have some similarities such as Eros being born first.
After the creation of the world, Gaia gave birth to Rhea and Kronos. In some stories, Rhea and Kronos then gave birth to 6 gods Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Kronos quickly swallowed the gods afraid of their power. Gaia, angered then tricked Kronos into swallowing a rock instead of Zeus.They soon overthrew their parents and Zeus rose to power. (Elliott) In other stories, instead of Gaia tricking Kronos it was Rhea. After they destroyed Kronos, Zeus rose to power and he and his siblings became the Olympians. (Greek Creation Myth) The rise of the Gods myth is weird. …show more content…
Prometheus is sometimes credited with making humans. After creating them he taught the humans how to use fire(Greek Creation Myth). Although, in some stories he only gave them fire and didn't teach the humans to use it. Prometheus maybe created humans.
These stories are plentiful and can be easily found. Some of them are weirder than others but they all tell good stories. A few stories retell the creation