This meant that the laws governing obscenity were a violation against free speech. Another goal was to break down cultural standards of morality and also to gain control of key positions in the media. These goals have been achieved to the maximum and I don’t think there would be any worse thing that could be done to the media. Currently, the key positions in the media in America do belong to people who support the communist agendas, and this has led to nothing other than bias in the media since they dictate on what can be reported. Due to what is reported in the media, people have gotten so used to the bias that all other radio stations and televisions that try to report the truth are considered rubbish. While growing up in a country that values a lot cultural norms of decency, I thought my country was so old-age since I knew that the great America had no such values. Such influence is what the communist agenda still has on the world. It is