HR Practices In The Royal Phillips Singapore Company

Submitted By KennyRiana
Words: 3094
Pages: 13


We have chosen The Royal Phillips Singapore Company to conduct our research. This company deals with the production and selling of different types of light bulbs. The reason we chose this company is because it has gone global and it is profitable and therefore it is a good indication that it has an efficient human resource department. In this report, we are going to discuss about two HR practices i.e.; employee involvement and discipline & employee rights; and how they are implied in the company of our choice. To do this, we interviewed the HR manager of the company. This report also highlights the characteristics and expectations of Generation Y employees and the measures that managers can take to retain these employees.

Part 1
Employee involvement simply means that employees are involved in activities to help the organization meet its goals. Each employee’s output is regarded as his/her own and is appreciated by the management. This means that the management comprehends that each employee is involved in the progress of the business. A manager can involve its employees by delegation, which means a manager is to pass down authorities to its subordinates to carry out a particular task. Another way is through participative management. This means that a worker’s participation is really important and that is the reason why managers emphasis on it. Work team is another way to involve employees. In this, employees and classified into groups and managers expect them to work together in order to reach the goals of the business. In the group, each one of the employees has to give their ideas and opinions and work together to come up with the desired outcome. Goal setting is to create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-targeted. This would help employees to clearly know what the goal is and be motivated to achieve it. Lastly, another way is through employee training. In this, employees are trained so they can develop the skills that are required to do the specific tasks assigned. This also increases their confidence level.
We interviewed the HR manager of The Royal Phillips Singapore regarding the implementation of employee involvement in their company. Mr. XXX said that in the company, each employee is assigned to a specific focus group. These employees then must give input or contribute ideas and opinion regarding how to revise and modernize the products to satisfy consumer’s wants and needs and also ways to help the company grow and expand. According to the manager, this method has been used for years and has helped the human resource department and the company to reach its peak. He is pleased with the outcome of this measure and assures us that he will continue to use this method in the coming years.
Mr. XXX told us that with employee involvement, workers get ideas and opinion from other workers and they combine few ideas and try to come up with the best outcome. This helps workers to work in a team and also enhances their skills and productivity. With this, workers are able to enhance their capability to work in groups and also the decision and idea that each focus group comes up with, will be better than the other focus group. “The workers work together and come up with ideas that have never even crossed my mind before. It just keeps getting better!” Mr. XXX said.
Nevertheless, Mr. XXX has encountered a few drawbacks from this measure too. One of the main drawbacks that he shared with us was that some employees are less friendly than the others. They don’t feel comfortable to work in groups or with other people. This limits their contribution of ideas and opinions. “Reserved workers, who have contributed wonderful ideas when they work alone, are now less efficient as they mostly stay quiet and keep to themselves.” Mr. XXX said. Another common drawback is that workers tend to squabble between themselves. With this method, when one focus group gets together to discuss