Teens do this for many different reasons, and the reasons are why hookups receive a lot of hate, on the contrary we could reduce the amount off teens that practice hookups. Just showing them the consequences of sex is not enough, they tell you that stuff all through high school, and no teen really cares until one of those consequences happens to them. A lot can be solved through the parents, if the parents raise their child and reiterate how much responsibility there is in sex, or teaching them to wait until marriage, then hookups would go down. This generation’s view of sex really is very grim, and it’s sad. I also think that teens do it out of boredom, in turn if you offer more things for teens to do at college, then they would be too busy to get involved in sex. Give them many opportunities to expand their list of friends to keep them busy. It’s better for them to be playing videogames with their friends, then having them out and about having sex all Willy