His clock has let people read time for many, many years and even though we now have more advanced methods of reading the time, his layout is still used in many clocks today. His almanacs were used by a large number of people including farmers, fishermen, and others. He even contributed to the fight for civil rights when he wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. This letter addressed the fact that black people were more than slaves. Soon after, Jefferson wrote him back and sent a copy of his almanac to the secretary of the French Academy of Sciences. Benjamin Banneker died an important man on October 9, 1806. He is now widely known and admired for all of his works including his clock and his books (almanacs and others such as information on bees). He had many talents and he used all of them during his lifetime to be as successful as he was in everything he did. He did just about everything from farming to being a mathematician. He truly was, a man of many