o Separation from the land resulted in a loss of aboriginal identity because of the burden and pressure from the government they were unable to fulfill their rituals. It also destroyed the totemic responsibilities and their connection with their ancestors Separation from Kinship: o The aim of the assimilation policy was to remove Aboriginal children from their family and placed in white community so the Aboriginality would be forgotten. o The Aboriginal children were removed so they can forget their own culture. The removal of children had significant affect on kinship because the children were unable to learn about kinship o The main effects of separation from kinship group were the loss of language and it is through the language that Aboriginal people represent their concepts, and their ideas and definition of themselves. o They were unable to know about the land, people and law and it is resulted as a separation from kinship. o Their traditions and language was destroyed because they were not permitted to perform their traditions o It also destroyed the totemic responsibilities and their connection with their …show more content…
Mabo o In June 1992 Eddie Mabo filed a case in high Courts of Australia on behalf of the Murray Island. o British people came to Australia they established on the claim that Australia was “terra nullius” land belong to no one, they made that claim without any treaty or payment, this claim had a massive impact in Indigenous people because they were denied to use their land as they are very inextricable link to the land. o In order to claim Native title, the Aboriginal people had to prove that continuous links with the land had been maintained. o Mabo fought for their land because they are connected with land. Land is the identity for them. He think that Aboriginal people has all rights to use the land because they before the European settlers. o The Mabo case ran 10 years on 3rd June 1992. The high court of Australia decided that the land belongs to Aboriginal people and they have all the rights to use the land because they came before European settlers arrived. Mabo died five month before High court made this