How Does Milton Hershey Affected His Community

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Pages: 2

What we know as a simple, delicious chocolate bar is something much bigger. In the 1900s, there was a time of sorrow, depression, and war. Milton Hershey affected his community by providing food for soldiers in the U.S. Army, providing jobs during the toughest times, and building a school that created opportunities for orphaned children. These impacts affect people today. For reasons including seeing a happy child’s face when they get the chocolate bar in their Halloween bag. He has many other accomplishments, but these are just a few.

Firstly, Milton had an impact on soldiers fighting in wars all over. He created a ration bar that would not quickly melt in a soldier’s pocket. This is a great help when soldiers are hungry and need a snack. Additionally, the company produced Field Ration D bars that were nutritious and could tolerate heat and cold. These bars have helped the U.S. Army for many years, and these will keep helping for many years to come. By the end of the Second World War, the Hershey Company had produced more than three billion Ration D bars. These bars keep army men happy and in tip-top shape to fight for their country.
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The end of the 1920s brought a stock market crash and a decade of a ruined economy. However, businesses failed, resulting in massive unemployment. He found a way to start a program that became known as the Great Building Campaign. With more than 600 men getting jobs and building structures that, in time, became popular tourist attractions. Milton has created many jobs in the harshest of times and this is just one