Prohibition did a lot of damage to society. It tore apart families, meaning it caused people to be immoral (Bad Effects). People also would go against what they believed for alcohol (Bad Effects). Women played a big part in the temperance movement. Alcohol was seen as a destructive force in families and marriages (History). Also not to mention that the crime rates went up and homicide was a big deal in this era (Economic).
When told not to do something, automatically thoughts come into the brain on what to do that would go against what was said. With the deal of prohibition the government says not to smoke or drink liquor. But what people wanted to was go against what the government told them just so they didn’t have to follow the rules. It is of the natural instinct of a human to go against what someone says (Five Reasons). In some cases though it has been a habit for so long that people can’t just stop as soon as the someone tells them to. It is a long drawn out process to stop (Nine Reasons