We get a sense of full lighting as the camera jumps from Joe to Peyton to Monique when each one of them speaks. The noise in the background starts to dim down immediately after Joe mentions that Peyton’s mom is going to come back soon. Non-diegetic sounds and the noise of the fork clacking together appear suddenly after Peyton mentions something that gets Joe uneasy. The sound was a signal that something is about to happen. As Joe starts to think about himself again the camera is giving us an image of Peyton getting sick, but Joe not paying attention because he is full of himself. The non-diegetic music then up rises with Peyton’s coughing and sweating letting viewers know that she is in danger. Between the crowd, when can get a medium close-up of Joe worried sick about his daughter. The music escalates with Joe's speed. The camera follows Joe and Peyton with a dolly shot over a bridge, which then leads to a tracking in shot and ends joe’s running to save his daughter's life with a crane shot. When he arrives at the hospital we are looking a medium close-up shot of Joe’s back as he carries Peyton into the hospital. The camera zooms into a point of view shot when joe enters the hospital and he cries for help. The camera then tracks out giving the focus on Joe and the nurse pushing him away as Peyton is being taken in to be checked. After she has been taken in the scene ends with an extreme long shot of the football team, Joe, Monique, and the agent impatiently waiting on the results of