Rousellini and Chris were two educated men who needed no validation for any of their accomplishments. Rousellini was a man who formed no attachments to anything , but life itself. In fact, " he became convinced that humans had devolved into progressively inferior beings and it was his goal to return to a natural state" (P.74). This infers that we humans have filled our lives with consuming materialistic ideas that keep us from being our True Selves. We are so consumed with non sense, that now our values have changed. Rather than praising the food we are given , we show more appreciation to the new cell phone we've received. In a similar fashion, Chris has the same central idea of life. He finds no purpose of attachments. He …show more content…
He was driven towards the wilderness just like the other two men. The parallel between each of them would be how they found themselves through their journeys. Ruess felt like himself, when he was traveling all over the world. He states "the beauty of the country is becoming apart of me"(P. 91). This implies that , the wilderness is now a new chapter in his life and he is learning to accept that it is apart of him. Krakauer added these two men into the book , to showcase why people decide to pick up their things and leave into the wild. It's a way to help others understand their purpose in finding