Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy's Legacy

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Pages: 5

During the time and life of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy we’re able to see the impact she left behind as a First Lady, trendsetter, and an ambassador of goodwill. Through her various contributions Jackie’s passion for American was evident with the restorations she partook in and the good relations she managed to form with foreign nations when representing the United States. Although her involvement in the White House composed of the majority of her deeds, Thus, remaining as one of the most influential females in history with her poise and with being able to charm her way into the nation’s heart.

When the Kennedy administration commenced Jackie Kennedy originally lacked enthusiasm when entering the White House due to viewing the 1960 election
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Kennedy believed that she would be able to protect American heritage through these historic preservations, due to this it is often credited towards her for jumpstarting the National Historic Preservation Act (1966). Luckily enough Kennedy managed save various locations such as: Lafayette Square, Renwick building, Grand Central Terminal and Station, as well as further improving locals like Columbus Circle, redesigning the presidential rose garden, and iconically the White House. Beginning at the White House Kennedy’s wishes to fix it up originated from her first visit as Lady Eisenhower’s guest, upon her arrival Kennedy was shocked over the lack of furniture found in the White House losing its true representation of the All-American Home. Thus, becoming the First Lady gave Kennedy the opportunity to bring out the true historical importance behind the White House, leading for the White House Historical Association to be found, and educate about a third of the nation on her White House tour on CBS. As a member and board director of the Municipal Art Society it only made sense for Kennedy to protect sites like: Lafayette Square and Grand Central to keep America’s historic character. Kennedy even went as far to form the Committee to Save the Grand Central Station & Co. in which they protested within the terminals until they stopped further construction. Another event being Columbus Circle, in which Kennedy and others wanted to add a office building which would serve beneficial. Although Kennedy didn’t play a large part in this project her influence was still evident through how her opinion was enough to be taken into consideration for the new building. In the end Kennedy wished “,,,to have Congress pass a law establishing something on the order of Monuments Historiques in France.", although not far from her statement Kennedy did managed to