While many people think that Lee Harvey Oswald was an alone assassin or a part of a larger conspiracy called the mob I think he was framed by Jack Ruby. I believe he was framed because the evidence does not add up between the gun being on the 6th floor and oswald being found on the fourth floor. It said in the story titled WItness From The News Describes Assassination “that three woman were standing on the grassy knoll and felt one of the gunshots pass by them, they also said that they saw two men covered in smoke behind the grassy knoll.” That tells me that oswald couldn’t be in eating lunch of on the sixth floor and outside on the grassy knoll trying to kill Kennedy. …show more content…
In the sixth floor where the found the gun that could have been planted there or there was a secret service person up there to protect kennedy but so how Jack found out killed him and then stole his identification card to get into the police station and finally kill