Latex Allergy Research Paper

Words: 540
Pages: 3

An allergy is referred to as a condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance in the environment that may normally be harmless to another. In particular, a latex allergy pertains to a reaction to certain proteins found in natural rubber latex. Latex allergies are very common and approximately three million cases are reported per year in the United States alone. As a surgical technologist, we need to be aware of latex allergies not only for our benefit, as we may have an adverse reaction to it, but also because the patient may also react to it and their safety is the number one concern for the surgical team. To begin, any substance that causes an allergic reaction is referred to as an “allergen”. Allergens can be found in the food that we eat, drink, and even the environment we interact with. The allergens in latex are certain proteins that are made from rubber trees. The process of making latex gloves is a tedious process that starts in nature and ends with barrier protection that promotes sterility. The process begins with farmers extracting latex from rubbers trees through a process called tapping. Once the sap is collected, it’s sent off to the factories for processing. The processing phase includes preparing the latex, forming the gloves, quality control, and packaging. Medical grade …show more content…
Symptoms can also include runny nose, sneezing, or water eyes. The symptoms may range from something as minor as a skin irritation to anaphylactic shock. Latex allergy is incurable; however there are certain treatments available. Steroids such as hydrocortisone and desonide can help with the skin irritation. However, the best treatment for individuals with latex allergies is avoidance; being mindful of the environment and staying away from certain materials that can trigger the allergic