Legislative Branch Pros And Cons

Words: 521
Pages: 3

The legislative branch is the part of government that makes laws. The United States legislature is a bicameral legislature. A bicameral legislature means that it is a two branches within this single branch. In the House of Representative that number of members is based off of the population, meaning bigger states receive more people. However in the Senate, each state only gets two votes. The bicameral legislature was formed as a resolution between the small and large states. The larger states felt that representation should be based off population, giving them the advantage. The smaller states wanted equal representation so they would have an equal chance of getting their ideas here. This formed the bicameral legislature, where both side got what they wanted in one of the house.

The legislative
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The legislative branch has many committees for a bill to go through before it is even debated within the two houses. The system itself is built and used for the best possible outcomes too happen. If the bill is formed in the house first it is voted on there first and if it passes then it moves over to the Senate to be voted on there also or vise versa. If the bill gets passed by both houses it will then move to the president where he can pass it, veto it, or pocket veto it. If it is veto the houses now have a chance too override the president's choice. If it is a pocket veto they have to start the whole process over again. So, yes i believe that the legislative branch works effectively as a law making branch. Despite this, I also feel that there is a lot of things that happen in the legislative branch that shouldn’t. I feel that there is a lot of bribery and forcing people into voting opposite of what they really want. The