Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1 Analysis

Words: 504
Pages: 3

Our scene is the scene when Macbeth and Macduff fight. Our scene takes place at Macbeth’s castle in act 5 scene 8. This scene is the very last scene in the play. Our scene begins at line 4 and ends at line 39. The English army carries Birnam wood to Dunsinane hill, which is the location of Macbeth’s castle. The English army uses the branches of Birnam wood as a cover to advance which fulfill the witches third prophecy that Macbeth shall not be harmed until Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane. While Macbeth is out in battle he is confronted by Young Seyward, the son of the English army’s commander. Young Seyward is then killed by Macbeth. 

 The next time Macbeth has a line is in the final scene of the play while before his battle with Macduff. …show more content…
Macduff then tells him that he was from his mother's womb untimely ripped (C-section). Macbeth then tries to argue with him that he was still of woman born but he overall knows that he was not of woman born. Macbeth pretty much knows that he can not beat Macduff but he attempts to fight anyway. The fighting is then taken off stage and finally, Macduff decapitates Macbeth. 

Our scene has many effects. One effect that our scene creates is that now that Macbeth is ultimately killed Macomb becomes king of Scotland. Another effect is when Macomb dies Fleance will take the throne which fulfills the witches prophecy for Banquo that his descendants will be kings. A third effect is that Scotland will now be put back into order. 

 All four themes are are found in the theme that we are acting out. Ambition is played in this part because Macduff has the ambition to kill Macbeth after he has killed his family so he will be haunted by it for the rest of his life. Macbeth has the ambition to retain his throne even though he knows he will not win. Guilt is played in our scene when Macbeth says that he fells that he has caused enough damage to Macduff’s family. Reality is played in our scene because the witches prophecies have been fulfilled burn am wood has moved to Dunsinane and Macbeth is killed Macduff who was born