Mandatory Military Service In The United States

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Pages: 2

In some countries, every young person must serve two years in the military. Even though the United States doesn’t have this policy, some people are arguing that we should have mandatory military service. Even though many foreign countries have mandatory military service starting at a young age, many citizens in our country strongly disagree. Many citizens disagree because young people should have the choice whether they should give their life in military service for their country. Mandatory military service should not be required in the United States because our country needs an all-volunteer military force, rather than an elite group of non-industrious and apathetic teens who serve because of mandation and not because they have a love for their country. On the battlefields where our country is fighting, we need someone that we can trust, and we need to know that they can get the job done. One fatal mistake of an apathetic group could mean life or death for others (Tate, Chandler). Another reason why mandatory military service should not be required in our …show more content…
Most people that do agree with mandatory military service state that by having mandatory military service, it will help our society to learn discipline, respect, and a love of their country. Those people believe that men and some women should have to go through all the combat training, the graduating with a Military Occupational Specialty, and reporting to a National Guard or Reserve unit once every month. Supporters of mandatory military service believe that this will keep men away from negative influences on our society such as unemployment, welfare, drugs, and crime. Even though military service has its positive points, there are negative aspects that outweigh the benefits which means it should never, never be mandated into our nation’s laws (“Should military service be