Mcmurphy In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Words: 397
Pages: 2

Randle Patrick McMurphy is a highly manipulative and confident character. After completing half of a sixth-month sentencing at the prison work farm, the court ruled that because of a “couple hassles" McMurphy was a psychopath and would have to finish his sentencing at a mental institution (17). Contrary to court ruling, Chief Bromden’s narration reveals that McMurphy is not insane but is manipulating the justice system for his personal advantage, “I’ll be whatever their little heart desires, be it a psychopath or mad dog or werewolf, because I don’t care if I never see another weedin’ hoe to my dying day” (18). Here, Kesey suggests that McMurphy is not mentally ill but completely sane. McMurphy is only acting psychotic because he is under the impression that life at the mental institution will be comfortable and relaxed in comparison to his time at the work farm. This illusion, however, is soon ruined when McMurphy encounters Nurse Ratched – the cold tyrant of the mental institution. Nurse Ratched has complete control of the ward, “the slightest thing messy or out of kilter or in the way ties her into a little white knot of tight-smiled fury” (30). McMurphy is “accustomed to being top man,” and declares that he must meet with the “bull goose looney” of the ward so that he can assert his dominance and reign at the top of the food chain (23, 24). Evidently, Kesey implies that once McMurphy gains control of the ward he plans to test Nurse Ratched’s authority by disobeying the rules, “I’m about to do the dead opposite”(23). McMurphy being the …show more content…
Chief Bromden narrates Ken Kesey’s, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, however, Randle McMurphy is the central character. What is the significance of having chief narrate? How does his point of view add meaning to the story?

2. In the novel, Chief Bromden pleads with his audience (the reader) to believe him, “But it's the truth even if it didn't happen." How can Chief be a reliable narrator if his story is not based on