Model Essay Comparison Essay Post-Classical Civilizations

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Pages: 6

Question: With the collapse of the classical civilizations, post-classical civilizations arose shortly thereafter. Compare the factors that led to the rise post-classical civilizations from 500 CE to 1200CE between two of the following regions- Europe, East Asia, Africa or the Middle East.

Model Essay Comparison Essay Post-Classical Civilizations

With the collapse of the Roman, Gupta and Han empires, the world was left in a period of chaos with little structure in most areas. However after these collapses and the interlude that followed, post-classical civilizations arose in various regions. There were various reasons for this that ranged from rise of religion to the re-organization of political structures. During the time frame 500
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With the rise of caliphate empires in the Middle East and as a result of the Crusades upon Europe, trade re-emerged within and between these regions. Trade occurs within the confines of the Islamic world which stretched from Spain to the Indus River. In Europe the Italian city-states (Venice in particular) take advantage of post Crusade Mediterranean trade. One also sees trade in the Northern European cities of Ypres, Bruges and Ghent. This is most likely due to merchants now having a modicum of protection for their trade caravans from the newly arisen political rule in both regions. Commerce between regions also helps lead to the advancement of post-classical civilizations in both regions because it allows for the spread of new ideas and innovations. The stirrup from central Asia finds its way into Europe and the Middle East through trade. Gunpowder also makes its way from China into both regions due to trade (also Mongol conquests). The great advancements of the Abbasid dynasty and the city of Baghdad were a result of this new trade which led to medical, scientific and literary achievements unrivaled in other parts of the world. The Italian Renaissance in Europe was a direct result of the new trade caused by the Crusades. A difference between the Middle East and Europe (west) economically was the fact that Europe relied on