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|What do you want your students to learn? This |How are you going to know they “got it”? |What TEK(s) are you covering? |
|week, |I plan to give students quizzes to demonstrate | |
|students will understand Newton 3 laws of motion|knowledge of Newton’s 3 laws of motions. I will |P.2FKL |
|as well as Newton’s law of gravitation. |assign |P.4DE |
|Students will detail the significance of |homework simulation problems that students can |P.2K |
|Newton’s law of motion and how each pertains to |work on to visualize the effects of increasing the|P.3ADF |
|their daily life. Students will also understand |force on an object or decreasing its acceleration.|P.4F |
|relativity and speed of light and how Albert | |P.5AB |
|Einstein derived the popular equation E=mc^2 |High Yield Strategies: | |
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| |What kinds of learning strategies will you use? | |
| |I plan to use visual aids and powerpoint | |
| |presentation for students to see differences in | |
| |Inertia and Weight | |
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| |Vocabulary: | |
| |How will the vocabulary be taught? Students will | |
| |define terms as needed according to the topics and| |
| |discuss any misunderstandings. | |
| |Students will be graded on | |
|Engage/Warm-Up: (What’s the “hook”?/How will you get them engaged in the lesson?) |
|Monday: |
|Students will explore ways Isaac Newton derived the first law of motion. They will be given introductions to how |