Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Essay

Words: 1058
Pages: 5

Anthony L. Derhovanesian
Assignment 1

1. The four themes discussed throughout the text are the Digital Paradigm, Convergence, Solid-State electronics and Human/Machine interface. The Digital Paradigm refers to the encoding of information, control and computation into discrete binary elements, encompassing everything from software to digital music such as mp3’s. Convergence refers to how computers come to incorporate ever more features from diverse technologies; thus, the smart phone integrates phone, camera and digital assistant in a computer-controlled device. Solid-State electronics refers to the inexorable advance of electronics ever smaller, faster, and cheaper devices. This was dubbed Moore’s Law seeing a possible case of technological determinism, technology driving history. The Human/Machine interface includes both
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Jacquard took Bouchon’s idea of a continuous punch card roll and Falcon’s idea of durable punched cards to produce a workable programmable Loom. Babbage is known as the father of modern computer, however known of his designs worked or were totally completed. He designed plans to build what is called the Automatic Difference Engine. It was designed to help in the construction of Mathematical table for Navigation. Hollerith using Jacquard’s idea of the punch card data storage, developed a tabulating system, which allowed the census takers to record all the information needed on punch cards which were then placed in a special tabulating machine with a series of counters. As you can see each of these men drew from each other when it came to Punched Cards for calculations. Jacquard’s idea was for creating a workable programmable Loom, whereas Babbage’s idea was to construct mathematical tables for navigation. Hollerith took the punched card idea to help the census takers to be able to store data and cut down on the time it took for calculations. Each of these machines allowed for storing and retrieving