Ahab did evil in the eyes of the Lord. He disregarded the covenant, he did not value human life, he allowed his wife to lead him to sin and he despised the Lord’s prophets. His poor morals and selfishness caused him to lead Israel into sinful idol worship and practices. On a more positive side, King Ahab was courageous and had a repenting heart. Hezekiah modeled faithfulness and trust; in times of need, he prayed to Yahweh and Yahweh answered. The Lord rewarded Hezekiah for his strong faith and for putting his trust in him. The story of Hezekiah emphasizes the importance and the value of having faith. King Joash followed God when Jehoiada was alive. Unfortunately, once Jehoiada died, Joash lost focus of Yahweh and was influenced by people who led him astray. Christians must pursue God constantly and keep their focus on him. Satan uses distractions to keep God’s people from actively seeking him. If our focus is on Yahweh, Satan will have no chance lead us