Observation Essay

Submitted By WriteAwayAngel
Words: 990
Pages: 4



No regrets, no inhibitions

After pulling in the front gate, your first glimpse is a split road with rows of homes on both ends. Most of them look like twins. However, one thing they all have in common is that the residents paid no less than $300,000 for their homes., Yet, they can't seem to make it their own. Those who live in this gated community are only allowed to paint it certain colors; such as beiges, white, tans, or grays, possibly to match their hair color shades. Standing one or two stories, neatly kept, no cars parked in the streets, the yards must stay perfect or you can expect, first a warning, then if you don't comply, next a ticket. The kids living on the block hardly play outside unless it’s in their own backyards. However, they do get some freedom when they ride their bikes. The biggest mistake is made by the parents who aren't watching them, some as young as 5 and 6, as these kids end up in the street assuming they won't be hit. Meanwhile, the younger people fly through here like they have lead feet; as most of them tend to speed. However, the drivers thsat kids should fear most are the senior citizen's old bitty's committee. The worst of them all, living right next door, her, and her sister, were originally from New York. Age hasn't had an effect on them, they seem to stay quite active, uptight, and in everyone else's business. The one sister is significantly nicer than the other, her look is much more natural. One morning the meaner sister attempted to back her car out of the garage, running her car so long you could just about taste the burning gasoline in the air. Not paying attention to what she was doing, too busy being nosey, soon all that could be heard, began as a loud crunching sound, followed by a high piercing whimper or screeching. At first, one might assume she ran over a dog, when actually it was a reaction much like nails on a chalk board. When she stopped the car, then all that could be heard was her cussing, and yelling. It wasn't long before she acknowledged the damage, her passenger side-mirror was demolished, and that sound was her dragging the mirror across her house side wall. A man walking door to door, wasn't sure what was happening, and like a good Samaritan, he ran to her rescue. At least 2 minutes later, he looked shocked and offended, as she now turned her anger towards him. Regret gave him a very slappable face, how comical it was to watch him try to slip away. Just because someones old, doesn't guarantee they are nice, all it really means is their depth of perception has become compromised, their hearing may have weakened, almost as much as their eyes. Never will you ever hear, that old people can't be cold people, she has proved this theory more than once or twice. It's unclear if she was under the impression her house would move for her, but if so, no one would be surprised. Upon checking the mail, a package for a women named Blanche, sent to 501 not 505, an honest mistake by the mailman. In good nature, it would seem best return it, after knocking, not much happened. Then it could be heard, what sounded like a women yelling, "who is it?" Followed by, "you have the wrong house!" Repeating the same two sentences, as if mimicking a broken record. Obvious the voice the voice was getting closer, as it grew louder, it was distinctive enough to tell she was standing just on the other side of the door. Still there was a long pause even after sharing with her, the purpose