Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Case Study Essay

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Pages: 2

According to the information given in the case study, Sarah exhibits behaviors that strongly suggest a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The DSM-5 characterizes obsessive-compulsive disorder by the presence of obsessions, recurrent and intrusive thoughts, and compulsions, repetitive behaviors or mental acts one must perform in response to obsessions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). These obsessions cause significant distress and impairment for more than one hour a day. Sarah shows several signs of having both obsessions and compulsions.
In her own words Sarah has “controlling thoughts and worries”. The persistent and unwanted nature of these thoughts can be categorized as obsessive. Sarah has also developed rituals and thoughts that help placate her intrusive obsessions, these rituals are her compulsions. One example of this is her constant thoughts of worthlessness and low self-esteem that are quieted by compulsions of cleaning and organizing. These compulsions most likely stemmed from her childhood. While growing up Sarah’s mother often thought Sarah needed to better herself, and this most likely caused her to have low self esteem. Also while growing up, Sarah’s mother taught her the importance of cleanliness and the need to “kill all the germs”. This connection between low self-esteem and cleaning
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It is stated that she checks her work reports 7 times, which often causes them to be turned in late. She must also check her locks, stove, curling iron, and other appliances 7 times each before leaving her home, otherwise afraid of a fire or break-in. These checks have caused her to be late to work. Even more than tardiness, Sarah as recently become unable to leave the house altogether due to intense fears that she may have a heart attack or lose control of her body. This disorder has severely affected her ability to function