Octomom Case A Miracle Of Science Or Medical Malpractice

Words: 1439
Pages: 6

rrie Motter
Medical Law & Ethics
Steve Forrester
8 November 2, 2015
Genetic Engineering
How far should we go utilizing technology in the area of genetic engineering and artificial insemination/IVF? There are those out there that say, God made us intelligent and intuitive people and that he has filled our hearts with the joy and desire to learn new things and to improve our way of life. I agree with those statements to a point, but they overlook that we also have greed in our hearts and that sometimes our desires can be tainted by that greed. One of our most motivating desires is to be better than others, which could be having the perfect child, earning more money, or having bigger better toys. Greed is never a good motivator. It can be easily
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To answer that you must first understand what medical malpractice is. Medical malpractice is Improper, unskilled, or negligent treatment of a patient by a physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional. (http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Medical+Malpractice) In the case of the octomom she had already had babies so she was not in a sense a high risk patient. There are some patients whom are at a higher risk because they have never conceived before and have tried various ways so they may have needed to implant 12-embryos at one time but that is very rare. Did the doctor know that implanting 12 embryos would result in eight babies, perhaps not, but he should have known that it would result in multiple births? So, his behavior was at the least improper and since this was not his first poor choice he deserved to lose his license to practice. I do not think that we want to make our doctors afraid to do their job, but we need them to make informed educated decisions. Dr. Michael Kamrava testimony during his licensing hearing said he had implanted a dozen embryos- six times the norm for a woman Nadia’s age and didn’t hear from Ms. Suleman again until after she delivered octuplets in January 2009. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322714/Doctor-Octomom-Nadya-Suleman-I-didnt-know-having-8-babies.html) He gives no explanation as to why he made the choice to do that. He openly states that it is six times the normal amount to be implanted. If he knew it was six times the normal and had no good reason to do it I believe the courts absolutely made the right decision to take this man’s license from him he has no business working on patients. He was not showing care or regard for his patients and her potential