This can also fall under wanting to hurt themselves or put themselves in danger. This can be sorted into different categories, such as, clinical depression. Clinical depression is when you're in a depressed, sad mood and lose interest in a lot of things. Anxiety disorder is another psychological disorder. This disorder is when someone worries a lot and fears they will interfere with someone. Bipolar disorder is when someone has mood swings ranging at various levels. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” novel shows this disorder with the patients in the hospital. For example, McMurphy, the new admission, was sent there due to do his violent behavior.
Therapy change deals with psychology as well as the book. This therapy helps change unhealthy behaviors. In the novel, McMurphy has to do shock therapy. Shock therapy uses drugs or an electric current to keep you more under control. Group interaction deals with how everyone interacts with each other within the group. In “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” all the patients seem to be getting along well. They hold group meetings and get together. They plan things and ideas out to try and makes their lives a little more interesting, I'd