Pay Off Student Loan Case Study

Words: 676
Pages: 3

Pay off student loan
Alice ‘s most immediate goal is to get a job to pay off her student loan as well as to survive. Looking tat the a popular evaluation model, this as an good idea. This is possibly the best way that she can get money to pay off her debts. The SMART model says that for a goal to be useful they must be Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Getting a job is specific. Alice will be selling her labor to get money. Getting a job is measurable. This she can do by applying for a job. Getting a job is attainable. She can look for a job. Getting a job is realistic. It is timely. It can be dome. So this is achievable. Once she has a job she can then pay for the student loans as well as living
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This is a realistic idea. This is achievable. If she does not clear her loans , they will attract interest. This will further pull her down. She will not be able to escape the loan. The loan will increase. She will end up paying more. Siegel & Yatch( 2009)

Alice could retire in the long run. She needs to first realistically get employment. Next she needs to clear her loans. After that she will then have extra income . Still this extra income will not be enough to retire upon. So she would have to save for some years or invest in order to be able to save. Realistically she can not retire based on her income alone. She needs to save and invest her income for a longtime before she can actually retire. Retiring is not achievable. Siegel & Yatch(
Travel around the world in a sailboat
Is a wishful idea that she has. She needs to have the money to pay for the trip. She needs to have the income coming in, in the first place. This trip would need large amounts of money. First she must pay off student loans. Then next she must save. After that she must buy the boat to sail in. At the same time she must do other things that she needs to do such as have a family or buy a house as well