I am, for the most part, a leader for the children to look up to and somewhat proud of that. I speak Vietnamese and give out instructions to line up the children for the Bible reading. I remember that there was a particular incident that stands out to me even now. “Why do we even need Vietnamese,” asked a young boy in my group as we were waiting for the priest, “can’t we all just speak English?” I frowned, my forehead crinkling and my eyebrows furrowing, before saying sternly once in English and once in Vietnamese, “It’s because it’s part of who you are; you are a Vietnamese American.” Later, I would find out that the boy would just continue to yell insistently in English at my Vietnamese Catholic church. I was obviously disappointed and not only that, I thought to myself, “It’s a terrible thing to never get to know your culture.” Even now, I try to speak a little Vietnamese now and then with that boy so he’ll know how great it is to be