I had done this before, but I failed the first time. Starting the journey up the mountain was one of the hardest things I had ever done in my life, the somewhat familiar smell of the dirt, trees and moisture in the air made my stomach drop, I told myself I would do it no matter how hard it was. I didn't expect the hike up to be this easy, the whole time I was just taking in the beauty of the outdoors, the trees, and the way the height of the mountain made everything below look like ants. The last time going up the mountain, it felt as if there was a gate I couldn't pass. But this time the gate was open, I had no problem up until we were nearing the top, there was another gate I needed to get through. What do I do? I ask myself, I looked out over the edge, my stomach dropped, I needed to get out of there or I just needed to keep going. I blocked out everything, kept going and didn't stop. As we reached our destination the wind began to pick up which