Student’s would get away with illegal products if the time was provided for the student. The time for the locker searches need to random so the school staff can see who is handling inappropriate things that could hurt someone. Once they faculty find the student’s that are breaking school rules they can punish the students and kinda keep an eye on them. After the inspection the student’s will just put the rule breaking product in back in their lockers and when the next locker search comes around they will take it out again. After a while the schools will stop doing the inspections because they will think that their students would not do that stuff. In reality they are just hiding the rule breaking products from them because they know when they are coming to check their lockers. Doing random locker searches invade the students privacy. Student’s may have personal items in their locker that they need throughout the school day. Some of them may be medications that the student needs at a certain time during the day. Some student’s need medication to function and act correctly in class. Other also have to keep their other personal things like their personal hygiene products like things they need after P.E so that they do not stink all throughout the day. Student’s do not like people seeing their personal