This makes me think about the time commitment that these boys put into their playing pool. I wonder if they truly are just trying to look cool, or have finally found something that they can be passionate about and have gotten quite good at. As a student studying a difficult field (physics), I am finding myself envious of these kids who found something that they can put their passion into and see results that they are excelling with their effort. These thoughts become slightly diluted when in the final lines the boys sing praises for their degeneracy. “We sing sin. We thin gin” is the last piece of information shared about the boys activities, leading me to believe that they truly are misguided and lost kids making bad decisions (Meyer 827). I wanted the boys to be misunderstood and really better than picture formed at the beginning of the poem. But the final piece of hope that I had is killed with the last line, “We Die Soon” (Meyer 827). The boys in my mind are going down a path that I have been scared of my entire life. I have many members of my family that have dropped out of school, hung around the wrong people, and had problems with