Political Friendly Fire Research Paper

Words: 675
Pages: 3

Political friendly fires have taken effect to the United States over the course of many years. One occurring with Republicans John Boehner and Ted Cruz when Boehner calls Cruz highly unnecessary names. Senator Ted Cruz was referred to as the “Lucifer in the Flesh” meaning the devil, Satan (Garcia). Boehner explains how he’s never worked with a more terrible person in his life (Garcia). Boehner also added he would never vote for Cruz if he were to be the Republican Party presidential nominee (Garcia). However, this is not the last time Cruz would experience this amount of shade within the Republican Party. Another political friendly fire existed with Hamilton and John Adams in the late 1700s until the early 1800s. Federalist Alexander Hamilton attempted to take Federalist Adams’s place as president in two presidential elections. In 1796, while favoring Charles Pinckney, Hamilton led an unsuccessful campaign against Adams. Four years later, Hamilton continued to favor Pinckney in opposition to Adams who was running for re-election. He wrote and published a letter to inform America of his bad character and …show more content…
Cruz’s response to Boehner replied to his remarks by opposing that he knew the House speaker, Boehner (Flores). During Cruz’s press conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Cruz explains he has never worked with Boehner, saying he barely knows the man (Flores). He expresses he would have been shocked if he even said 50 words to Boehner, and if they did once talk, their conversations would have consisted of humorous remarks (Flores). Another political friendly fire remark that blew Boehner out of the water was when Ted Cruz said Boehner is angry with him because he stands with the people of America, unlike Boehner as the House speaker