Post-Secondary Education: A Summary And Analysis

Words: 855
Pages: 4

We watch world events, we go to work, go to school, some pursue post secondary education. We read, we burn our hand and learn not to touch the heat source again and we nurture our children. All in all, regardless of our particular life experiences, each of us, throughout the paths that our day takes us upon, absorb information. It does not diffuse into us by osmosis, but rather we identify, interpret and process for potential storage or erasure, countless pieces of data obtained through a host of situations encountered in a vast array of environments. In short, when a person (or an animal for that matter) increases their degree of knowledge, they are learning. Learning, in and of itself and all of its many mediums is a multi layered system of processes directly related to the acquisition of knowledge through avenues dedicated to either study, experience or being taught. However, learning is much more than just the singular function of data absorption.

What a fair share of people often fail to realize is that learning and behavior are correlated with one another. In essence, what learning accomplishes is the action of permanently altering behavior, or the potential therein of doing so as we effectively alter our perception of our surrounding environment (AllPsych, 2014). Once
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Technology has changed the way we communicate, interact socially, conduct business, manage finances, and so much more. Perhaps in no way greater than learning. We can attend school online, and access information on demand. The massive infrastructure of the internet has made the world a much smaller place. Though technology has delivered us newly discovered mediums by which we conduct the facets of our lives, we still do have the most integral