Principles Of Supporting A Business Event

Submitted By v2lv2l
Words: 1024
Pages: 5

Unit five: Principles of supporting business events


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Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections.

Name: Pascal Sakouvogui

Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event

1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required.


Every event has to be carefully planned. It’s really important to know what exactly the event is and about consequently to start planning all the activities involved and getting support in arrange the event venue, sending invitation, chasing up RSVPs, planning time table, organising team meeting, getting the right equipment for the event, arranging for the speaker and sending out invitation to people who you want them to attend your event. This can be also include; providing refreshment for the attendees as well as food provision

In conclusion the support will include

Help the organiser to book a venue for the event: This is to find an adequate and suitable place for the event.
Inventing attendees: This where you help the organiser to find and invite the right people for the event.
Preparing document: example making invitation card, badges, speaker notes, and provide note books for attendees

2. Complete the table below by identifying two ways of providing support before, during and after a business event.

Before During After
1. Sending out meeting requests
Details activities lists

1.Greeting attendees, dealing with registration, issuing badges and event packs to attendees

Taking minute notes 1. Check up feedback

2. Circulating agenda

Ask people with business organisation events experiences

3. Serving refreshments
Smile, provide information on the event

2. Circulating minute notes

Meeting with staff responsible for the event to take stock ,make an evaluation about the quality of the event

Section 2 – Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so

1. Explain the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour when supporting a business event.


Adopting a professional attitude while preparing an event would enable you to achieve the objectives set for the event, this also make the event more effective and efficient. The event attendees will be more cooperative if you display a professional attitude and by helping and showing professional attitude will limited conflict for internal and external customers, and every attendees will be more satisfied and they will provide you with more support for the next event you will intend to organise.

Acting professionally and adopting a helpful behaviour is really important while organising a business event. Remain professional would help you to follow up the event and dealing with any emergency problems before, during and after event.
Dress code, greeting visitors, answering questions, providing spare documents

2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event.


The organiser must look very neat.
You must be able to assist the attendees by providing them with information such as the toilet location and smile to them
Make sure you work efficiently throughout the event such as getting attendees details of the event; help them to complete