Professional Identity

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Pages: 2

Building one’s professional identity helps to shape your career for the future. Creating a professional identity is more than posting a resume, it does require collaborating and building relationships, but most of all you must know who you are. As one begins to strategize and construct their profession, it is then when one should begin to form a reputation and principles by shaping their professional identity. Cultivating a professional identity is important to everyone’s career, it helps to build character, it builds a net worth to whom you are and what you can do. People have to desire self-autonomy, know their worth, know their purpose and demonstrate truthfulness of their real self. It is how one feels about themselves, how they develop and build relationships (Reitz, …show more content…
Each person should have an idea or a plan for the future, which will determine the success for their future. Building a professional identity takes time and you will find you that you will always be reinventing themselves, building their confidence and always self-reliant (Windsor, 2007).
Maintaining a Good Reputation
Although people are known to their colleagues by their professional identity, people have to be sure their reputation is delivering a positive image, if it is not their professional identity can be viewed as negative. It is how we build our identity is how our future will be determined. As a professional you want to develop skills, changes and learn new techniques as you see the market trends change, master your skill set for the job in which you want to become, be competitive to the industry.
For example, advance your knowledge with relevant conferences and attending continuing education courses, it will allow you to grow and master your skills and advance you in your career for the future.