Public Colleges Vs Private Colleges

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Pages: 3

In life today there is more focus on college than ever before. Jobs require a degree and experience, for an entry level position with the pay to match. Makes sense right, not even a little bit. The difference between private colleges and public universities, can be tremendous and intimidating. Shedding some light on those differences will be very beneficial in the world of students. Graduation rates, big deal right? When determining if a school is a good fit this is a big factor. Generally speaking private colleges have higher graduation rates within the 4 year time frame. This is mostly due to students receiving more one on one attention at a private college. Seven of the top Ivy League schools in the nation have graduation rates above 95% that is phenomenal. As the numbers vary by state, quite a few like South Carolina, New Mexico, and Kansas are at the lowest end of the scale. California and …show more content…
For example community colleges have much lower graduation rates overall, landing around the 50 to 60 percent range. Flagships seem to be closer in the running with private colleges at the high 80 to low 90 percent range. For profit public colleges were also surveyed and fell around the same range as Flagships if not slightly higher. These numbers also vary highly from state to state, Mississippi and Alaska fall at the lowest end of the scale for graduation rates from public universities. California, Iowa and Florida fall at the high end of the scale. Funding and tuition are another large area of interest when looking at public colleges versus private colleges. Private institutions rely heavily on private contributions, donations and tuition. The price of tuition at a private college is going to carry a much heavier price tag that is for sure, however many institutions will offer aid packages for students who can prove financial need. These financial aid packages are often some of the