Research Paper On Wanderlust

Words: 643
Pages: 3

The term wanderlust originated from Germany with the combination of the word wander meaning to roam and lust which is having a strong desire or urge for something, the online dictionary defines wanderlust as a strong innate desire to travel. (Wanderlust) I can recall as a child playing pretend as a daredevil explorer leaping from couch to couch and diving into the murky deep waters that were my dark blue sleeping back laid flat onto to the floor, I imagined I was places beyond my living room in mountains, forest, castles and everywhere in between. I thought as I got older those vivid imaginations would disappear; I started to realize that my interest of adventure would never fade but instead manifest into an unconquerable will to travel. To me the term wanderlust is not just having the urge to travel; it is about absorbing the beauties of the world around you and discovering who
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I like different places. I like any places that isn't here.”(94) this quote was the thought of every person I knew in high school all aiming to someday leave Jacksonville to move to someplace more vibrant. During high school in my psychology class we created genome charts which was basically a family tree that documented any sort of disorders or social occurrences in the family’s history; in this project I discovered that my great grand parents came from Sweden, Wales, Germany, Philippines and I knew so little about these places. I knew of the Vikings and the Celtics but I knew little about these nations themselves and their culture, intrigued by my findings I began research more about the nation’s history, culture as well as the way of life. I can remember reading off the name of the city of Jököping Sweden thinking to myself how amazing it would be to leave my high school classroom and travel to place seemingly foreign to me, during most of my high days I thought that any place would be better then